Gay bars west hollywood

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Are you kidding me? This is beyond hard enough to lose a business and then not even have time to get something together and announce this in a civil way.

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It’s not fair to the employees of the GC wh are just learning of this. You can’t give the respect to a bar that’s been there for 39 years and let us handle this the correct way? I have to write a FB post in 2 seconds to stop people from their 5 seconds of fame and being the first to post something about this. I did NOT want to handle it this way and I’m super pissed. We have fought and tried everything with pressure from very selfish and heartless people. The GC is closing for good… We do not have a choice. “This is going to be quick and simple because there are very rude and sick people out there that thing because they say it first they’re some kind of hero and they won’t let the owners handle the situation under their terms and how they want to hand it after fucking 39 years of business…I will call your fucking names out!!!!! Yes. In an attempt to shut down rumors and beat everyone to the scoop, Worl posted the following on his Facebook timeline:

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